Carla Meeske: A Shamanic Healer, Fine Art Photographer, and Equine Therapist

Carla Meeske is a multi-talented individual who has dedicated her life to helping others through various forms of healing and artistic expression. With over 30 years of experience, Carla has become a trusted name in the field of shamanic healing and spiritual guidance. Her expertise extends not only to humans but also to their animal companions.As a shamanic healer and instructor, Carla combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques to provide spiritual guidance and healing to those in need. Through her online school,, Carla offers courses that teach the art of shamanic healing. Whether you are looking to deepen your spiritual connection or learn how to heal others, Carla’s teachings can provide the guidance you seek.In addition to her work as a healer, Carla is also a talented fine art photographer. Her specialization lies in capturing the beauty of Night Sky landscapes, particularly those intertwined with the Milky Way. Carla’s photographs evoke a sense of awe and wonder, reminding us of our connection to the heavens above and the earth below. Through her spirit-inspired images, Carla invites us to reconnect with our origins and find solace in the power of nature.If you are captivated by Carla’s photography, you can purchase her artwork on Her pieces are also available through the Scottsdale Gallery, Muzeo Fine Art, and Carla’s work has also been showcased in the Sonoran Arts League show, Hidden in the Hills, providing an opportunity for art enthusiasts to experience her unique vision firsthand.In her quest to provide holistic healing, Carla has incorporated equine therapy into her practice. By working with her Icelandic horses, Carla taps into their innate understanding of emotional needs and utilizes their healing abilities to support her shamanic sessions. The gentle and intuitive nature of these horses allows individuals to connect with their emotions and experience direct healing in a unique and powerful way.If you are interested in experiencing Carla’s healing sessions or exploring her artwork, you can find more information and request a healing session on her website, Carla’s dedication to helping others and her passion for artistic expression make her a truly remarkable individual. Whether you seek spiritual guidance, artistic inspiration, or a transformative healing experience, Carla Meeske has something to offer.

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