Carla Meeske: A Multifaceted Healer, Photographer, and Equine Therapist

In the realm of spiritual guidance and healing, Carla Meeske has established herself as a trusted figure with over 30 years of experience. As a Shamanic Healer and Instructor, she has dedicated her life to helping people and their animals find solace and healing through ancient wisdom. Through her online school,, Carla teaches modern shamanic healing techniques that are deeply rooted in age-old traditions.For those seeking spiritual guidance or a healing session, Carla offers her expertise and compassionate support. Her extensive experience and knowledge allow her to provide effective guidance tailored to each individual’s unique needs. Whether you’re looking for personal healing or assistance with your animal companions, Carla’s spiritual insights and healing techniques can help bring balance and harmony into your life.In addition to her work as a shamanic healer, Carla Meeske is also a talented fine art photographer. Her specialization lies in capturing the beauty of Night Sky landscapes, particularly those adorned with the ethereal Milky Way. Through her lens, Carla’s photographs showcase the mesmerizing Southwest Landscapes, evoking a sense of awe and wonder. These spirit-inspired images serve as a reminder of our connection to the heavens above and the grounding energy of the earth below.If you’re captivated by Carla’s photography and wish to adorn your space with these awe-inspiring images, you can find her artwork available for purchase on Additionally, her work is showcased at the Scottsdale Gallery, Muzeo Fine Art, and Carla’s artistry is also featured in the Sonoran Arts League show, Hidden in the Hills, where you can explore her captivating creations in person.Carla Meeske’s dedication to holistic healing extends beyond humans and into the realm of equine therapy. By incorporating her Icelandic horses into her shamanic sessions, Carla offers a unique and profound healing experience. These remarkable animals possess an innate understanding of emotional needs and have the ability to provide direct healing through their presence and connection. Through equine therapy, Carla combines her shamanic expertise with the healing power of horses to create a transformative experience for her clients.Whether you seek spiritual guidance, wish to adorn your space with breathtaking artwork, or desire the healing power of equine therapy, Carla Meeske is a multifaceted healer who can assist you on your journey. Her years of experience, combined with her compassionate nature, make her a trusted and reliable source for those seeking spiritual and emotional healing.To learn more about Carla Meeske and her services, you can visit, where you can find additional information and request a healing session. Explore her captivating photography on, and discover her artwork at the Scottsdale Gallery, Muzeo Fine Art, and If you’re in the area, don’t miss the opportunity to experience Carla’s artistry in person at the Sonoran Arts League show, Hidden in the Hills.

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